Who we are.

NZBMA, a mother-son venture, is dedicated to enhancing body awareness and education through evidence-based research. We’re not just a clinic, we’re your wellness partners, working flexibly with your schedule to help you achieve your goals.

Our logo & its meaning

We are a small sports-centric wellness clinic in Christchurch that stands for diversity, inclusion, and equality. Our logo, a unicorn within a rainbow, represents our support for the rainbow community and our commitment to wellness education in a dynamic health system, especially for those negatively impacted. Mirroring Dawn and Wayne’s family beliefs and offer tailored services, reflecting that wellness is a universal right for all and not something fictional.

Meet the Team:

  • Introducing Wayne Armour, a powerhouse in the wellness industry for almost two decades and a trailblazer of NZBMA. More than just a therapist, Wayne is a wellness pioneer, revolutionising the field with his unique Body Mechanic therapy. This innovative method combines various techniques to holistically enhance physical and mental health.

    Wayne’s Body Mechanic ideology is a game-changer in soft tissue therapy. It focuses on optimising our daily movements, whether sitting, standing, lifting, or being physically active. This approach helps prevent back problems and other musculoskeletal issues that can lead to injuries and dysfunction. Body Mechanic therapy is about efficient and injury-free movement. It aims to optimise recovery, provide relief from pain, reduce the chance of re-injury, and improve healing. It’s like a regular service for your body, helping you deal with issues like stiff backs from desk work, aching necks from phone use, tense shoulders from computer use, sports injuries, or tight calves from running.

    But Wayne’s influence extends beyond the clinic. An avid open water swimmer, training for Coast to Coast, and a staunch LGBTQIA+ advocate, Wayne’s dedication to community service is unmatched. He has led numerous events to support various charities, inspiring others to join him in these noble local charity causes. Wayne’s vibrant personality shines on social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. His engaging content, ranging from workouts and challenges to life talks and fun activities, encourages people to love their bodies and reject societal pressures. In every aspect of his life, Wayne Armour embodies a spirit of inclusivity, positivity, and wellness.

    Experience the Wayne Armour difference at NZBMA today and step into a world of enhanced well-being.

  • Meet Dawn, the radiant co-founder of NZBMA and a devoted wellness practitioner. As the nurturing mother of Wayne, your Body Mechanic, Dawn has been the backbone of her family’s sporting endeavors, amassing a treasure trove of massage skills over two decades.

    Her journey, however, took a profound turn when she faced a personal battle with breast cancer. After braving the storm of traditional medical interventions, Dawn sought comfort in alternative treatments. Drawing strength from her family’s roots in Crystal, Tarot, and Clairvoyance healing, she embarked on an Aromatherapy course that became a beacon of hope in her recovery.

    This transformative experience ignited a revelation within Dawn - healing should extend beyond clinical pharmaceutical interventions to nourish the soul. This belief laid the foundation for her home clinic, Blue Moon Alchemy, a sanctuary focusing on Aromatherapy and support for fellow cancer warriors.

    When Wayne joined her, their combined expertise gave birth to NZBMA. This partnership bolstered Dawn’s confidence to delve deeper into massage therapy. Leveraging her established Aromatherapy skills, she embarked on a journey to become one of Christchurch’s finest manual soft tissue specialists. Together with Wayne, they crafted the renowned “Sports flush” massage technique, a preventive measure for sports enthusiasts.

    Today, Dawn’s healing touch extends to a diverse clientele at NZBMA. Her journey, expertise, and unwavering dedication make her an indispensable pillar of the NZBMA team. Experience the magic of Dawn’s healing touch at NZBMA today.